Wednesday 3 December 2008

Cold And SNOWING!!!!! yeah!!

    I would love to be writing this and to say that its a sunny day with clear blue skies and 20 degrees, well clear blue skies I have! Anyway this is a short up date to say that I have been having some car trouble, Damp seams to be the issue…. So sailing has been a little bit hard to do, tho I am now a club race coach ( or racing coach level 2, if you wanna be arsey).

     Now with the level 2 I can coach and get paid for it, wooohooo! I am thinking of doing some of this till my website freelancing picks up, by the way currently writing the local pubs website of which an update will be coming soon and the all new!! So I am website writing like mad! but hey tis fun and we shall see if my work is up too standards!



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